What Are Offline Conversions?
Googleโs powerful Smart Bidding algorithm is designed to find as many conversions as possible within the market at your budget. The benefits of this approach are numerous, from optimising bidding strategies, maximising ROI, to generally saving time, however, there is one noticeable limitation; Google sees all leads as equally viable and therefore bids for them equally, even if they are spam or unsuccessful.ย
The solution to this is to utilise offline conversions. These allow for the alignment of Google conversions with real business KPIs and goals rather than surface level metrics like number of leads, and its implementation informs Google what happened to such leads as they progress and refines what a conversion is to your business. Furthermore, you can report the revenue earned from each lead, thus helping Google find more high-value leads.ย
An important thing to remember is that Google campaigns want at least 30 conversions a month to get the most out of Smart Bidding, so it is important to choose an offline event that occurs often enough to ensure there is enough data. If you only make one or two big deals a month, that is not enough information for Google to work with, so make sure to choose a stage further up the lead funnel, such as a qualified lead, to better calibrate your conversions.ย
Another consideration is the lead to sale time, as if the lifetime of a lead is longer than 90 days after the click occurs, this will be unreportable to Google, so also be aware of this when choosing the offline event to target for offline conversions.ย
What are the benefits of Offline Conversions?ย
The main benefits of Offline Conversions are accurate revenue tracking, reduced wasted ad spend, the gaining of insights into which keywords and campaigns are driving real business value, reduced spam leads, and the driving of higher quality leads.ย
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