Case Study:
Alliance Online


Jumping On Popular Topics To Deliver Expertise Driven Links To The Website

The Project

Our work with Alliance Online utilised Digital PR to drive high quality links to the website, supporting the wider SEO campaign to grow visibility and sales for the brand.

Our approach to digital PR focused around driving coverage for the brand which was closely linked to their main value proposition yet finding an angle which journalists would love to ensure that our content was relevant, timely and most importantly gave valuable information to readers which they would engage with.

As a result, we developed a digital PR strategy that helped to provide a mixture of coverage across a range of top tier titles, helping to drive strong links into the website in addition to building valuable authority into key product and service pages.


Our Approach

For this particular project our approach looked at useful tips and tricks for users (broadening the audience) who might be having a struggle with fruit flies and how they could deal with this within their homes.

We initially undertook research to better understand the news angle – most specifically that searches for “fruit flies” were at an all time high and that they were causing a genuine annoyance in households – to understand how we could present data/information that would have a genuine user interest angle.

Off the back of this we created different points of information including looking at the types of plants you could use around your home to catch flies and handy tips and tricks to get rid of them, in addition to expert comments from our client.

This campaign was a huge success, landing over 100 links across a range of publications including major dailies such as The Express & The Mirror.

Our Coverage

Links Achieved
Average Domain Rank

Fruit flies will be the ‘worst’ in August - ‘the most successful’ way to get rid of them

During the summer months, and even into early autumn, there's nothing worse than flying pests. One, in particular, is fruit flies. Luckily, an expert has shared tips to encourage Britons to "act now" to reduce the risk of fruit flies in their home this summer.

How to get rid of flies in the house - keep pests at bay with these nifty hacks

Here's how to wave goodbye to flies in your home - and stop them entering in the first placep>

Expert's 'natural fruit fly trap' is 'most successful' way to get rid of pesky bugs

Fruit flies can be really troublesome, especially during the summer months, but luckily an expert has shared a cheap but effective way of getting rid of the pesky insects

How to stop a bin from smelling in the heat - 8 tips for keeping a kitchen fresh

The summer months are full of blissful moments at home and in your garden, but the heat can also cause some issues, with preventing a bin from smelling bad at the top of the list.

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