Case Study:

Digital PR

Building Links In The American Market

The Project

Working with Toner Giant, one of the main aims of this project was to attract high quality, relevant links for the brand to enhance overall PR and SEO efforts. With the brand working in the toner and ink industry we decided to align our project to the “office” theme – as an office is a place where you would traditionally use toner/ink – and this would also give us the scope that we needed to generate wider interest for media coverage to ensure we were able to target a reasonable number of appropriate publications.

As part of our brainstorm we wanted to link the concept of the office into popular culture and thought what better way to do this than by jumping on the trends of the popular TV show “The Office”. In order to reach a more international audience, we looked at comparing The Office UK and The Office US to understand how the audience felt about the different shows and looked at how their performance compared over a period of time.

We combined this by seeking out some fun “little known facts” to add a human interest angle to the story and to deliver a number of different angles for targeted publications.

Our Approach

As part of this project we set out to answer the question of what is better – UK office or US office – while undertaking a survey to pick out some fun facts along the way. We looked at a range of data sources throughout our research including:

  • IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes to understand ratings and user reviews as well as awards
  • Google Ads Keyword Planner to understand monthly searches within the US and UK for a range of topical keywords
  • Neilson Data to understand popularity in terms of minutes watched
  • Survey data to understand how the public felt about the two shows

We then combined this data to create a range of juicy angles for journalists to cover including that “The Office Viewers In England Don’t Know If Scranton Is Real”.

We created a landing page on the client’s website which detailed the data and findings and used it as a source to outreach to journalists across the US. We focused on building high quality media lists, segmented by area, ensuring that we were able to gain maximum exposure for the campaign piece – while also allowing the piece to be evergreen – ensuring that we could push it out again at a future date.

Our Coverage

Links Achieved
0 +
Average Domain Rank

Brits watching the U.S. version of ‘The Office’ still don’t know if Scranton is a real place, study shows

A new report about 'The Office' reveals that thousands of people in the United Kingdom watching the American version of the show question if Scranton is a real place or not.

The American Version Of ‘The Office’ Ended A Decade Ago And British Viewers Still Aren’t Sure If Scranton Is A Real Place

According to a new report from TonerGiant, every month, an average of 400 people in the United Kingdom Google the question “Is Scranton a real place?”

The American Version of ‘The Office’ Has Brits Wondering If Scranton Is a Real Place

However, according to Google Search data gathered on U.K. office supply store TonerGiant’s blog, Office fans across the pond are digging into the deception, with almost 5,000 Brits per year Googling the phrase, “Is Scranton a real place?”

Brits watching the U.S. version of 'The Office' still don't know if Scranton is a real place, study shows

According to TonerGiant — a real-life British ink and toner supplier — both the U.K. and the American versions are popular among British viewers. But, Google Search data reveals, the American version has sparked some questions, including ones about the city where the fictional American paper company, Dunder Mifflin, is based.

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