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A Guide To Newsjacking In 2024

Newsjacking has been a buzzword in the digital PR space for a while now and I often think of it as akin to E-E-A-T in the SEO space – it’s something that everyone knows about and if you get it right it can have a significant impact on your client’s results. Knowing where to start with newsjacking can be tricky especially if you’re doing it for the first time so let’s take a look at how we approach newsjacking and what we need to do to ensure that we get the best results for our clients and land those all-important placements. 

So What Is Newsjacking?

Chances are you are probably already familiar with the term newsjacking as it’s a pretty common term that gets used in day-to-day language but for those who aren’t familiar, the concept of newsjacking involves jumping on a trend or something that is topical in the news and adding to the conversation that might be through adding an expert comment or sending over some data that’s relevant to the conversation and can add value to a piece that a journalist might be currently covering.

The reason newsjacking is such an effective digital PR technique is that combines two of the most important elements that go into a great story, that is relevancy for the journalist – you’re jumping on something that’s happening right now, and also adding value to the conversation through data or expert opinion, you’re adding real value to a story that journalists already writing and that’s a surefire way to get coverage for your client.

Newsjacking comes in two formats, that’s proactive and reactive depending on when in the story you add your comment or expertise, both can be really effective from a link acquisition perspective and if you’re prepared, then chances are that it can be quite a quick turnaround project. So let’s take a look at how we can approach newsjacking to ensure that we get the best results for our clients and land some great placements and coverage across the board.


Preparation is absolutely key when it comes to newsjacking as you want to be able to jump on a trend as quickly as you possibly can. This means putting some time in to gather images that they might want to use, look at areas of expertise and understanding who the best person to be the spokesperson is, and also any additional resources that they have available which you might be able to use to supplement their comments.

Stockpiling all of this information beforehand can help to make your newsjacking experience a lot smoother – we recommend having a sit down with your client to run through the newsjacking process and gather this information before you start your outreach – this will help you to improve your turnaround times and make sure that you’re able to jump on that emerging story as quickly as you possibly can.

News Listening

One of the most important elements of an effective newsjacking campaign is understanding what is topical and trending, finding topics that journalists are likely to cover – this means looking at what’s trending in the news and finding something that’s relevant to your client that you can add value to.

There are a number of different ways that you can conduct news listening but we’ve included some of the most popular options to get you started:

  1. X (Twitter)

X is a great place to start when you’re looking for new ideas and the trending hashtags are a great place to get your inspiration from. This can give you a good idea of topical issues that people are talking about, topics that are trending across the UK and also internationally, in addition to topics that people like to talk about and are maybe in the public interest.

X has a “trending” section where you can understand what people are talking about – this can also be broken into areas such as “News”, “Sports” and also for your local area. Additionally, if you are looking to research into a specific area, you can research specific hashtag data to understand how many people are talking about a specific topic.


X is a great way to get a feel for what people are talking about – and also what is topical in the news – so it’s worth keeping this open throughout your day. Additionally, using hashtags like #journorequest and #prrequest can help you keep on top of what journalists are looking for – another great way to get an idea of relevant topics you might want to cover. 

2. TikTok

TikTok is another great way to find out what is topical and trending and you can trendjack really quickly with the user generated content – getting a great idea of topical stories that are in the public interest by also looking through engagement metrics.

If you have a TikTok Business account then you will also have access to some of great hashtag data and trends information that is available and you can find this across two main dashboards to help your news research – the first one is the general trending dashboard which goes through all of the trends from the last seven days:


You can also drill down into further detail around each of these specific hashtags to understand where they are trending and with which audiences (as well as their related interests which is great for helping you to build your media lists!). This information can give you great regional insights as well as tell you more about their age range and demographic information:


You can also just use TikTok generally to research data around a given topic by monitoring hashtag data and getting an idea of how people are approaching the topic / what they find of most interest. This is particularly valuable if you are looking to create content that targets Gen-Z who are usually avid TikTok users.

3. Google Alerts

Google Alerts provides a great way to stay on top of topics that are trending around your client and have them delivered straight to your inbox. By setting up notifications within Google Alerts it will email you every time there is news around a particular topic, your client name or something that is related to. This is a great way to stay on top of breaking issues that are topical to or related to the services or products that your clients sell. 

It’s relatively easy to set Google Alerts up, but we would recommend setting them up in a subfolder of your email inbox to avoid being inundated with alerts as they are coming in throughout the day. Set these up separately and spend some time running through them to see if they are relevant for your client, over time you’ll become accustomed to the types of news that this is pulling out and you can adjust your filtering to make this more relevant as you need to. This is a great way to jump on something that is topically relevant for your client without having to sift through an entire news site to find the information.

4. Upcoming Reports

Upcoming reports can be a great way to get ideas for newsjacking particularly if it’s proactive.  there are a wide range of industry bodies who published reports on a regular basis ranging from weekly through to daily, and jumping on these reports and putting your client into the centre of the conversation, is a great way to newsjack and really add that element of expertise and relevancy to the links you are building through to the website.

If you aren’t sure where to start with reports then try some popular industry bodies – places such as the NHS and the ONS are frequently reporting on a wide range of topics and you can easily find a way to link please through to your clients. In many situations these bodies will also have a calendar that you can access which showcases the types of reports that are coming up, this allows you to plan in advance so that you can support to ensure that you’re able to quickly jump on this trend once the report comes out.

Reports are really effective way to newsjack because they’re topical and they’re data-led – something which journalists love, so if you’re looking for ideas for your newsjacking then have a look at relevant industry bodies that are related to your client and the types of reports that they have coming up to see if there’s somewhere that you can add expert commentary and topical value.

5. Event Calendars

Event calendars are a great way to undertake proactive newsjacking and we often find that many publications publish their upcoming calendars for the year in advance,so this is a great way for us to prepare for upcoming events and to plan ahead some ideas for proactive newsjacking.

Keep up to date with your favourite publications and don’t be afraid to reach out to editors to ask them if they have a publication calendar in advance, this can help to give you an idea of the topics that they are looking to cover and the type of content that they might be more likely to include within their pieces.

As a result it is valuable to use this to guide your newsjacking because it already gives you an idea of what journalists think is relevant and what readers are likely to engage with, therefore making it more likely for your content to be picked up if it is relevant to this topic

6. Colleagues

Often in Digital PR we find ourselves the victims of trying to come up with all of the ideas  ourselves and it’s hard for everyone to always be on top of what’s in the news and what is a trending topic – so why not use your colleagues?  We set up a group chat where we encourage our colleagues to post something that they’ve read that is newsworthy or trending – that could have been something that they’ve read in the newspaper that morning or something they’ve seen on TikTok or read on X. 

By encouraging our colleagues to contribute in this way we are getting a much bigger pool of information that we can use to take ideas from and chances are that many of us are reading different publications or fall into different TikTok algorithms, so this can be a great way to get a wide range of newsjacking options.


Once you have undertaken your news listening it’s important to thoroughly research an idea before you start as you want to make sure that the idea hasn’t been done before and that someone else isn’t currently working on it. You also need to ensure that any information you are  bringing to the table is offering a new opinion or something that hasn’t been published before, after all, that’s what journalists are looking for – a new angle on an existing story.

The research is important to ensure that you’re bringing something fresh to the story – so how do we go about undertaking research to understand topics and areas that journalists have covered before? Here are a couple of ideas for tools that can help you:

  1. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is a great way to get an understanding of topics that are covered recently or topics that are popular with the press. You can use this tool to understand the types of content that journalists have covered recently, which journalists have covered which types of content and also in what volume so you can really start to understand how many people are covering a particular topic and therefore a) has it been done before and b) is it likely to be picked up by a particular journalist.

One of the other important metrics that was talking give you if social shares and while this isn’t a direct impact on SEO performance, what it can help to show you is how engaged a particular article is and therefore potentially how many people are likely to read that article and how much it is in the public interest – this is a valuable analysis before you start investing your time into creating content around that topic.

Using tools like Buzzsumo allows you to understand how well your content is likely to land as well as to ensure that hasn’t been covered before and therefore that you’re not wasting your time.

  1. Google News Search

Google News search is another great way to understand how content is landing and this can give you an idea again of topics that have been covered before, the types of journalists that are likely to cover your content and also any angles that you could potentially pursue that haven’t already been done.

We often use Google News to understand what is topically trending when we pitch to new digital PR clients – that helps to give us a overview of the market and understand what types of stories have been covered in recent times, but as a client you can also use this to understand if a topic has been done to death, even a bit or if there is opportunity to add a new angle into a pre-existing trending topic. 

  1. Use External Tools

In addition to Google alerts and external tools that you can also use to help with your research. One example of this is semrush and you can use this tool to understand topics which are trending and also at the types of search volumes around specific keywords or topics that you might be looking to cover. 

You can also use tools like the Topic Research tool to understand popular trending topics and how they are evolving over time. This allows you to type in a particular keyword/topic and evaluate topics around this that are currently being covered/talked about – this is another great way to check that your topic hasn’t already been covered, or to help analyse a new angle or approach.

Source: SEMRush

Research is key to ensure that you don’t waste your time undertaking a campaign which has already been done and that you are able to bring a fresh angle and approach to the story. 

Ideation & Creation

The ideation and creation stage plays an important role in any newsjacking campaign and this is where you pull everything together. So you take the information you found within your research, you take anything that’s topical and trending and relevant to your client and you can bind it all together to create a great story, piece of data or angle that delivers great coverage for your client and also insightful information to a trending topic.

The ideation stage has a number of different parts to it and this includes:

  1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is when you put your heads together and come up with some great ideas as to how you can get your client coverage in a story. Brainstorming can take a number of different formats but it’s a great idea to get the whole team together. If the client has time this is also a great opportunity to get them involved so that they can lend their expertise and showcase this. 

Try and come up with a number of different ideas and angles and run them past your client to see what they are comfortable with and which best showcases their expertise and their data. Once you have a couple of ideas, start to narrow them down until you’ve selected the options that you want to go for.

  1. Identifying Your Angle

An idea is nothing without an angle that adds value to the article or the story – this is often more important than anything else, you need to bring something fresh to the article, so identifying your angle and making this clear early on is important to getting coverage. 

Look at what has already been done and hone in on the value that your data or expertise can add – do you have something new to bring to the conversation? Do you have data that showcases an additional angle on a regional/international level? Identifying your angle plays a key role in ensuring that journalists feel that your content adds value to their article. 

  1. Tapping In On Expertise

Make sure to tap into the expertise of your clients if possible, this will of course give you a great angle when you’re approaching a story and will help you to identify how you can add value very quickly. 

Feel free to sit down with your clients to really understand the areas of expertise or to conduct an interview with the spokesperson to understand the types of angles that you could look for, tapping in on the expertise will really help you to showcase this through the content that you’re creating and also to add real value to the article.

  1. Creating The Right Content

Creating the right type of contact is also really important whether this comes in quote format, whether it’s a piece of data or whether it’s simply a couple of lines having a new angle to an existing story.

Having a look at the types of content that journalists are covering and the format this is in will help you to identify how to best approach the content that you want to create, to ensure it’s the right type of content that the journalist would like to cover. Having the right content and the right angle will help to get your content placed and is an important part of the newsjacking process.

  1. Creating The Right Format

Creating the right format for your content is also very important, this means how you display the content and the type of content that you’re sending to journalists.Make sure to include any assets that will help support the story this could be high resolution images or associated data tables and always remember to clearly state your methodology for any data analysis pieces that you’re doing this is important to ensure that the journalist is comfortable to cover your content and also that you explain where you’ve got the data from and at what time. 


Once you have the idea and you’ve pulled it together into a press release with the supporting information now comes one of the most important parts – the outreach. Using the right tagline, contacting the right journalists and creating a killer press release are all important parts of this process and to ensure that you get your coverage landed we’d recommend the following steps:

  1. Research Your Journalists

Researching your journalists is super important to ensuring that you are sending your content to people who are likely to cover it and who have a genuine reason to cover it/interest in the topic. There’s a number of different ways that you can research journalists and these include:

  • Using tools like Buzzsumo to understand which journalists are covering similar content or similar topical areas
  • Researching on X – most journalists announce moves on X, make a note of these and start to follow these journalists – they will often do a shoutout if they are looking for a specific type of content to cover
  • Manual research through Google News – looking through Google News and other web indexes to understand journalists who have covered the topic recently and any articles where you could reach out and add a new angle
  • Look at specific topic journalists i.e. journalists who cover soaps, finance, travel etc… add these to your list for the topical coverage

By researching journalists in advance you are more likely to build a list of journalists who are more engaged with your content, therefore leading to better overall results and avoiding sending unrelated content to journalists who may find this annoying. 

  1. Build An Effective Media List

An effective media list plays a key role in ensuring that you’re giving your content the best chance of getting covered, so taking time to build your media list is time well spent. When pulling the list together, call on your journalist research to understand which journalists you want to include on your list, you can then follow this up by using a journalist database tool (we use Vuelio) to source relevant emails and start to build out your list. Remember that relevancy here is key so you need just enough journalists to ensure you get a good reach, while at the same time you don’t want to flood journalists who aren’t interested in your content.

  1. Monitor Opens & Trends

Data plays an important role in an effective newsjacking campaign so make sure that you monitor your opens and trends to understand how journalists are engaging with your content.
Using tools which allow you to track open rate will help you to understand how journalists are engaging with your content, over time this will help you to understand which journalists engage with which type of content and will naturally make your content more effective – using data in this way can help you to streamline your outreach is very effective.

  1. Follow Up

It’s important to follow up your content and press releases – don’t just do one push, always follow up with a couple of different pushes at different times. It might be that you caught a journalist when they were particularly busy, or that they already have a full news roster for the day, by doing follow ups you can ensure that you’re continuing to push your story out and you may find that in many instances it lands on the second or third push.

It’s also valuable to follow up when something particularly relevant has landed in the press – send your press release along with some updated comments or information on something which is trending topically, this can be a great way to get it included in a news round up or timely news story.

  1. Rework Content Where Needed

Don’t be afraid to rework your content where you need to. You might find that you actually need it in a different format, that it’s a little outdated or that you need to use a new angle. You always have the opportunity to update your content, so don’t be afraid to launch it at different times of the year with new, up to date information, or a slightly more relevant/different angle – reworking content can often be a great way to land content which perhaps didn’t place the first time round. 


Once we’ve completed the outreach process, it doesn’t end there and the review stage is perhaps one of the most important stages – this is where we analyse what went well, what type of content was covered and how we could leverage this for future campaigns. Key areas that we review and look into include:

  1. Open Rate

Open rate plays a key role in our reviews as it gives us a great idea of how journalists have engaged with our content – who has engaged with it and at what rate. Over time this becomes a very valuable metric and one that we can use to understand which journalists are likely to engage with which content, to better inform our outreach process

  1. Publications Covered

Reviewing which publications have covered our content also plays an important role in informing our outreach strategy moving forwards. It’s important to review who has covered what type of content and when, which journalist has covered the content and how it has been covered – these are all vital pieces of data to understand how we can best tailor our newsjacking efforts to the right publications.

  1. Journalist Feedback

This is also a good time to review any feedback that you’ve received from journalists, this could include journalists asking you to remove them from your mailing list, or alternatively journalists who have fed back on what they liked about an article, or what could have been improved/what they needed to support the article. All of this information is super valuable and should be noted to improve the outreach process moving forwards.


Newsjacking isn’t just a buzzword, it’s an important facet of any effective Digital PR campaign and it’s a great way to get your clients at the forefront of the conversation, quickly. To find out more about how newsjacking works, check out our Digital PR services or case studies

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A Round Up Of Recent Google Algorithm Updates

For us SEO professionals, it’s well known that Google notoriously loves a good algorithm update, throwing rankings up into the air and sending everyone on LinkedIn into a frenzy. Whilst in the early days, Google only made occasional updates, they now make thousands of changes each year – and recently it’s felt as if new algorithms are rolling out practically every other day. This, understandably, can be stressful for those responsible for maintaining client rankings or their own website’s performance. With so many updates, it’s easy to feel lost in the sea of changes and unsure how to maintain strong SEO.

This blog post will break down the key updates implemented in recent months, explaining their impact on your SEO strategy and offering actionable tips to keep your rankings climbing amidst the algorithm shifts.

What is a Google Algorithm Update?

Google’s search engine relies on complex algorithms to sift through its massive index and deliver the most relevant results for every user query. These algorithms consider a multitude of ranking factors to determine which web pages deserve the top spots on SERPs. While Google constantly tweaks these algorithms, most changes are so subtle they go unnoticed.  However, Google occasionally rolls out major updates that significantly impact the SERPs.

These major updates, referred to as core updates, are designed to improve the overall quality and user experience of search results. So, they may be irritating but they come from a good place! However, because they often involve significant changes to how Google evaluates websites, this can cause fluctuations in rankings across the board. Even the biggest and most established websites are affected by core updates, experiencing shifts in their ranking positions and visitor traffic.  

Why you should care:

So, we’ve established that Google algorithm updates can significantly impact your website’s traffic and ranking – bringing new visitors or temporary dips. Understanding each update and how it impacts your SEO strategy allows you to adapt and adjust your strategy to regain lost ground. It’s crucial to keep up with the updates so you can align your content accordingly if necessary. This proactive approach will ensure you keep your website visible to its target audience.

2024 updates

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the updates we’ve seen in the past 6 months. We’ll work through them in reverse chronological order and provide some pointers for dealing with each one.

⚙️The March 2024 Core Update

You must be living under a rock if you’ve missed this huge update; as the longest-ever core update, it only finished rolling out on April 19th and was said to reduce unhelpful content by 45%! It marked a big shift in Google’s ongoing fight against low-quality content and signalled strong recognition of the wave of AI-generated content that’s hit the web in the past year. The update further refined Google’s ability to identify and penalise content deemed unhelpful, particularly targeting unoriginal AI content.

What did Google have to say? A spokesperson said this update has refined how it understands which webpages are “unhelpful, have a poor user experience or feel like they were created for search engines instead of people.” This “could include sites created primarily to match very specific search queries”. As a result, websites with content that lacked value, originality, or depth may have seen ranking declines.

What does this mean for you?

This just means more of what we already know – we need to be writing helpful content for people, and not just to rank in search engines. There are no big new changes you should implement, or secret hacks to rank well in this update – just more of what you’re (hopefully) already doing.

The algorithm update also means that you should see better quality results when you’re using search engines. The web has recently seen a surge of AI content that lacks accuracy and authenticity. This update should cut down on that and improve the overall quality of what we see on the SERPs.

Been hit by this update? Approach recovery by, first and foremost, working on the quality of your content. If you’re experiencing a traffic loss for queries you used to rank for, there’s probably an issue with your content (if you’ve already confirmed there’s no technical problem). Look at the competitor pages now ranking for this content and work out why Google’s seeing it as preferable. Is it more relevant? Longer-form? Demonstrating expertise through author profiles? Video or image content rather than written?

Whilst Google hasn’t given us a lot of new advice in the aftermath of this new update, it might also be useful to look at their previous list of questions to consider if your site is hit by a core update. Work your way through and identify the areas where your content could be improved.

⚙️The March 2024 Spam Update

At the same time as we faced the March Core Update, Google also rolled out a hefty Spam Update, taking 15 days to complete. It took action against new types of spam, particularly scaled content abuse and expired domain abuse, which we’ve been seeing an increasing prevalence of.

Scaled content abuse is a tactic where spammers create vast amounts of AI content aimed at manipulating search rankings and tricking Google into thinking they have the answers to popular searches. Whilst Google has always fought against this practice, the advancements in AI have called for a revamp of their strategy.

Then, expired domain abuse is where someone exploits the reputation of an expired domain. They purchase the domain and repurpose it to boost the rankings of their low-quality content. It misleads Google and users into believing that the new content is associated with the older, more reputable website. 

It goes without saying that if you’ve seen a change to your traffic or rankings after this update, ensure you’re not violating any of Google’s spam policies, even accidentally.

Other recent updates

⚙️November 2023 Core Update: This was the final core update of 2023, beginning on November 2nd and completing on November 28th. Like most core updates, it resulted in many sites seeing ranking volatility – particularly in ‘Your Money, Your Life’ verticals.

⚙️October 2023 Core Update: With this core update, Google began handling backlinks differently. The reputation and relevance of the linking site was more important than ever before and a single link from a high-authority site now carried much more value than lots of lower-quality links.

⚙️October 2023 Spam Update: October also saw the release of a spam update, designed to clean up several types of spam that Google community members reported in Turkish, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hindi and Chinese.

Are any more updates heading our way?

In the past week, we’ve seen the beginning of a site reputation abuse update rolling out. This will target something often referred to as “parasite SEO”; sites found to be practicing site reputation abuse will face drops in rankings and even deindexes of pages. 

But what exactly is site reputation abuse? This is when websites with significant authority exploit their trust to push low-quality, irrelevant content. According to Google, the update will be going after “third-party content produced primarily for ranking purposes and without close oversight of a website owner to be spam.” They used the example of a third party publishing payday loan reviews on a trusted educational website to gain ranking benefits from the site:

“Such content ranking highly on Search can confuse or mislead visitors who may have vastly different expectations for the content on a given website.”

Has your site been hit? We can help

Cedarwood Digital is an award-winning SEO agency based in Manchester and we have extensive experience helping our clients to prepare for and recover from algorithm updates. Our team of experts has an advanced understanding of what Google wants to see, and possesses the strategies to help you rank in the top positions, and stay in them.

Get in touch with us today to learn how we can optimise your SEO for long-term success.

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Link Building Tactics That Will Drive Organic Traffic

Link building has long been a popular part of SEO campaigns and is the process of building links from other highly authoritative websites to your own to highlight to Google the value and authority that your website represents, and to build your own authority. 

Why does it matter?

Links can significantly improve your website’s performance as they contribute to your key E-E-A-T signals, which can play a crucial role in search engine rankings across many sectors. In some instances, they are seen as a vote of trust and are a way of building your reputation and showcasing your expertise. This can potentially lead to higher rankings for your target keywords which means more traffic and more conversions – the good stuff. 

The benefits stretch beyond SEO. Link-building will also directly increase your site traffic by sending visitors your way, and improve brand awareness by exposing your site to a wider audience. Essentially, it’s gold dust if you want to give your site a boost in visibility. But, link-building hasn’t always looked like this. It’s undergone a drastic transformation in the past 5-10 years, driven largely by Google’s efforts to combat dodgy tactics. 

A quick link-building history

In the early 2010s, when ideas of SEO were just beginning to be thrown around, marketers focused on securing as many backlinks as possible, regardless of their quality. Building a large backlink profile was pretty easy – anyone could boost their ranking by buying links or using techniques like blog commenting.

Google’s Penguin Update in 2012 put a stop to all this, penalising websites with a suspicious link profile. This forced SEOs to shift their focus to acquiring high-quality backlinks through creating valuable content. 

Now, in 2024, it’s more important than ever to have a solid strategy for link building to support SEO – and – it’s important that these links have direct relevance to your clients. This is because:

🔗Google’s algorithms are getting scarily good at identifying high-quality content. As you’ll know, it feels like they’re undergoing updates every other day, and their recent ‘helpful content updates’ place a huge priority on relevant and trustworthy sources, over merely the number of backlinks.

🔗It’s getting harder and harder to stand out. If you know about link-building, that means all your competitors probably do too. Your strategy now needs to be bigger and better if you want to win those backlinks over your competitors.

🔗Online brand awareness is playing an increasingly vital role. A strong brand presence helps you cut through the noise and establish yourself in a crowded marketplace. Plus, social media platforms are now a key place for consumers to discover new brands. For the first time, online content has the power to not just grab readers’ attention, but also nudge them directly towards a purchase.  Consumers are way more receptive to positive online influences that guide their buying decisions.

The different types of Link Building

Deeper linking

Building links to your website is a crucial SEO strategy, but simply acquiring links isn’t enough. To maximise the impact, you need a strategy focused on where those links land. Many people prioritise building links to the homepage, but this often misses out on valuable opportunities.

In most cases, the pages with the best user intent match and the ones you truly want users to visit, reside deeper within your website. These are typically product or service pages – the areas that directly impact conversions and revenue. Link equity passed from the homepage to these sub-pages can be valuable, but it’s far less effective than linking to them directly.

This is where deeper page linking comes in as a popular solution. By building links directly to these relevant sub-pages, you signal to search engines that these pages are valuable, boosting their rankings in search results. Improved ranking can in turn lead to increased organic traffic, conversions, and ultimately, revenue.

E-E-A-T link building

Google has over 200 ranking factors but the increasingly most important factor is E-E-A-T or ‘expertise, experience, authoritativeness and trustworthiness’. For Google to see your site as valuable and send organic traffic your way, you need to be sending out these signals. This is especially important for websites falling into the ‘Your Money, Your Life’ category, which deals with topics that can significantly impact users’ lives. For YMYL sites, building strong E-E-A-T signals is extra important to establish credibility in the eyes of Google.

The good news is that E-E-A-T link building is not rocket science! If you’re already utilising Digital PR tactics to acquire links, you’re likely on the right track. By nature, effective Digital PR generates genuine, high-quality links that showcase your website’s expertise. However, there are specific link-building tactics for building E-E-A-T friendly links and maximising their impact on your site’s organic traffic….

  1. Newsjacking to put your client at the centre of the conversation

Newsjacking offers a great approach to building external E-E-A-T signals and driving organic traffic. This technique involves capitalising on trending news stories and offering fresh insights from your in-house expert. This valuable content can then be pitched to journalists for inclusion in their articles, or used to create a standalone piece showcasing your client’s expertise. 

By providing authoritative commentary on a trending topic, you position your brand as a thought leader in the field, attracting high-quality backlinks that boost your website’s SEO and signal trustworthiness to Google.

For example, we recently newsjacked the Easter tablescaping trend, outreaching expert tips on decking out your table from our spokesperson at Alliance Online. This content was then distributed to relevant journalists, resulting in backlinks from authoritative outlets. Each of these links sent a positive signal to Google, indicating that our client’s website deserves a higher ranking in search results.

  1. Thought-leadership to showcase expertise 

Similarly, thought-leadership content is a powerful tool to build trust and add organic value to your site. It’s pretty straightforward; leverage in-house experts from your client’s business to share their expertise through interviews. Having readily available bios that highlight their credentials and experience is also crucial to demonstrate their authority to journalists and Google alike.

Beyond reactive approaches like newsjacking, a proactive strategy is essential. Stay informed about upcoming events and special days for opportunities to strategically position your client’s experts in front of the media. This can lead to features in high-profile publications, generating valuable backlinks that significantly help out your website’s E-E-A-T signals and organic reach.

Another thought-leadership tactic is guest blogging on relevant sites within your client’s industry – this involves creating informative and valuable content for other established blogs or publications. The blog post would ideally include a bio of the author and a link back to their website. This not only establishes credibility, boosting your SEO, but also drives valuable referral traffic.

  1. Analysing data for expert content

By gathering your own data, or analysing publicly available datasets, you can create valuable content that demonstrates your client’s expertise and understanding of the field. This data-driven approach not only positions your client as an expert but also generates valuable resources that journalists are likely to reference. Combine your data analysis with clear visualisations to make your piece super linkable for journalists who want to provide their readers with reliable and engaging information.

Beyond individual data pieces, consider employing a Reverse Digital PR strategy. This involves creating content hubs on your client’s website –  comprehensive resources fit to burst with data and analysis. These content hubs are the gift that keeps on giving, becoming valuable destinations for journalists seeking information. They have the potential to attract numerous backlinks over time that significantly boost both E-E-A-T signals and on-site SEO. Plus, a well-designed data-hub will not only drive traffic by attracting backlinks, but also through boosting your on-site SEO.

Let’s wrap up with some key takeaways:

➡️Link-building matters more than ever in 2024, if it’s not prioritised in your SEO strategy, it should be! It’s a golden ticket to build a strong online reputation and help Google understand why it should rank your website.

➡️Within your strategy, focus on building links to deeper, user-focused pages like product or service pages.

➡️And to get those links? Implement E-E-A-T link-building practices:

->Newsjacking: offering expert insights on trending topics

->Thought-leadership: share expertise through interviews, guest blogs and data-driven content

->Data-hubs: build resources rich with data to attract valuable backlinks

Need a hand getting started? Cedarwood Digital are an award-winning Link Building Agency with the media contacts and techniques to land you top tier, 100% earned links. Drop us a line today.

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Director Amanda On The Main Stage At Brighton SEO

Having attended Brighton SEO for over a decade now, I can safely say that it’s one of the best, if not the best SEO conference in the world, so I was absolutely delighted when asked to speak on the main stage this year covering the topic “SEO For YMYL Websites”

For those of you that don’t know what YMYL is, it stands for “Your Money Your Life” and it’s a term that was coined by Google to cover websites that can have an impact on someone’s money or life. At Cedarwood, we specialise in working with companies like this and with years of experience building links in particularly tricky industries i.e. gaming, vaping, medical, legal so it was great to be able to share some knowledge about this with the community.

So what were some of the key takeaways from the talk?

  • User intent is key – matching user intent plays a huge role in the YMYL space and it’s really important that we are keeping this in mind. This ties in really well with the idea of creating a “satisfying amount of content” – that is the right amount of content for a user, not a certain number of words, to answer the questions/queries they might have and allow them to make an informed decision
  • Reputation is important –  in particular your external reputation. Google yourself – see what people are saying about you and make sure that you work to build your reputation with effective Digital PR – this will go a long way to helping what people have to say about you and also what Google are seeing being said about you
  • Showcase your trust signals – whether it’s through industry accreditations or simply by telling people why they should trust you, showcasing this on your website and on external websites plays an important role on building those all important E-E-A-T signals
  • And on the topic of E-E-A-T, making sure that it shines through in everything that you do. Google have openly stated that for YMYL websites they place a heavier weight on E-E-A-T signals so it’s important that those are showcased at every opportunity
  • Finally, making sure that the look and feel of your content matches the expertise of it – there’s no point having great content only for it to look “amateurish” – take time to consider the way content is displayed and that it matches the expertise you are showcasing.

I had a great time in Brighton, got to meet some fantastic people and hear from some thought leaders across the industry.

You can find a link to my full slide deck here:

Until October!

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Essential Tips I’ve Learnt In My First 6 Months As An SEO Copywriter

Six months ago, I entered the marketing world as a slightly terrified graduate who thought engagement was something that happens before a wedding and long-tail was a type of monkey. These days, I like to think I’m a bit of a copywriting whizz (on a good day). If, like me, you’ve entered your first SEO copywriting role with little marketing experience, I’m here to help. I spend an inordinate proportion of my life putting words onto paper and have picked up some tips along the way. 

So, without further ado, let’s get into the SEO copywriting lessons I’ve learnt in my first six months that’ll make your content impress your manager and Google.

  1. SEO copywriting is unlike anything else you’ll have ever written

Something I gathered days, if not hours, into my new role is that SEO copywriting is unlike anything you’ll have ever written. It’s drastically different from academic writing and pretty dissimilar to press releases and journalistic style content. It requires a far more analytical approach and is definitely a skill that has to be developed. But I think, 6 months in, I’m getting there… just.

It will all feel like a foreign language at first, and you’ll spend many hours removing jargon and complex sentence structures. But practice makes perfect, and it’s crazy how quickly SEO copywriting becomes second nature.

  1. It’s all about the prep

There’s a lot more to copywriting than just getting the words down. A vast proportion of my time is spent doing the necessary research required for SEO content – scouring search volumes, analysing the SERPs, determining user intent, and deciding on headings and subheadings. 

Take your time for keyword research and SERP analysis before you even think about writing. You need to get inside the target users’ heads – what are they searching for and what are they clicking on? What do I need to address to make sure I’m producing genuinely useful content that answers their queries? It can be easy in the content world to lose track of what really matters – the customers and what they need. Remember that blogs aren’t just for brand awareness, and product descriptions are more than just a keyword dump. 

  1. Copywriting is hard and some days it just won’t happen

SEO copywriting is tricky! Alongside the analytical skills required in the research process, the actual writing requires a lot of creativity – and it’s impossible for us to be creative 24/7. Every day will be different. Some days I can knock up a thousand words in an hour, and on others it will take me all day to get a mere couple of hundred out.

On those days, don’t push it – move over to research tasks and leave the more creatively demanding work for another day. It’s a good idea to take this into account when structuring your time. Give yourself plenty of time for a big piece of writing, to allow for those writer’s block days where it’s just not flowing.

  1. Write for humans

When you do get down to the actual writing, write for humans. I know everyone says it but it’s so important if you want to produce content that’s engaging and SEO-effective.

Ask yourself, would you enjoy reading this piece of content? Would you find it useful? Would your best friend? It’s easy to get lost in all the technical details of keyword research and search volumes but at the end of the day, what is your average Joe going to want to read? Write for humans and Google will reward you as a side effect.

Something I learnt that really stuck with me is that the average reading age in the UK is 9! And remember that your audience will have different levels of reading ability – ensuring that your content is accessible is crucial. Not everyone is a copywriter like you; in fact, the vast majority won’t have read a book in the last year. As much as it’s fun to add in niche vocab and fun sentence structures, your content needs to be digestible and readable. Use short words, sentences, and paragraphs and save the rambles for your Instagram captions.

  1. Make use of AI! (It’s not out to steal your job)

I’ll admit, I used to be a real ChatGPT hater – rolling my eyes when people raved about what it could do. “There’s no way writing can be automated, and why should it be?” But I confess, it’s been growing on me. AI can be super useful as a little personal assistant. It’s great for giving you alternative words or phrases if you can’t remember exactly what you’re after – and super useful if you need a more concise header.

However, be careful not to rely on it too much! The capabilities of these tools may well be very impressive but do not rely solely on AI to write your copy – as tempting as it might be. Everyone can see through it, and it will kill off your creativity; you got this job for a reason, keep exercising and developing that skill.

My favourite tools for SEO copywriting 

There are so many tools and software now for all things SEO and when you’re new to the scene it can be tricky to work out which to choose. Lucky for you, I’ve narrowed down my favourites over the last six months:


A jack of all trades, Ahrefs should really be your go-to as an SEO copywriter. Keyword research, content gap analysis, user intent, it does it all.


You’ll have seen the ‘People Also Ask’ list that appears in Google’s search results – it shows you the, often amusing, top queries the population are asking. Well, AlsoAsked puts all that data in one place. You enter a topic or question and receive a full mind-map of the most asked queries. This is a goldmine for writing FAQ sections, coming up with headings, or simply to get a better sense of what the target audience is wanting to know.


This tool emulates Google, showing you what’s being picked up as the most important features of the page. It’s helpful to show you if your copy is successfully targeting the relevant topics, giving you a clue into how Google will rank it.


An absolute classic, and a must for copywriters. Add this extension to your browser and it will make sure every piece of work, every email, and every LinkedIn caption is error-free and perfectly punctuated. Because is there anything more icky than a copywriter with incorrect grammar?


ChatGPT’s lesser known cousin, Gemini is Google’s own AI assistant and I find it to be a better alternative. One thing it’s great for is proofing. Simply insert your piece of work and it shows you any errors, places for improvement and even some ‘what went wells’. Got to love some validation from a chatbot. 

How to upskill in SEO copywriting

If you’re new to marketing and SEO, you’ll want to be catching up fast. There’s a lot to learn so here’s how I got up to speed:

> Consume lots of writing, and make it good writing. Follow copywriters on LinkedIn, subscribe to newsletters, rediscover the joy of reading that got sidelined at university. If you want to write great content, you need to read a lot of great content.

> Attend webinars and marketing events. There’s so much going on, particularly here in Manchester, and many of these events are free! There’s no one better to learn from than the leaders in our industry – and the free pizza never goes amiss.

> Want to feel slightly more productive on your commute? Choose an educational podcast rather than your favourite Made in Chelsea Stars. Here are some of my faves:

  • ‘Always Take Notes’ = each episode interviews a diverse range of established novelists, journalists and publishers. They have fascinating conversations and it’s a great place to mine writing tips and seek inspiration.
  • ‘MozPod’ = with the tagline ‘learn best practices from real SEOs’ this is a podcast focused on sharing lessons from SEO experts.
  • ‘Girls in Marketing’ =  a fun one for women new to the industry, offering advice to help you get started.

My top tips for SEO Copywriting

I’ll finish with some quick-fire top tips to send you on your way into the world of SEO copy:

  1. Want to be a good copywriter? Competitor analysis is essential. I spend so much time on competitor sites I’m probably responsible for half of their page views – try to really work out why they’re ranking and how you can do the same but better.
  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you haven’t been given a style guide by a client, ask! This will save you all time in the long-run.
  1. Study the client’s work closely, immerse yourself in it and know their tone of voice inside and out. You need to be able to mimic their style exactly, no matter how niche it may be. I like to make a document of ‘stock phrases’ and general comments on tone for each client, to refer back to every time I write.
  1. You will receive criticism, and some of it might hurt, but try to reframe it as a learning opportunity. It’s easy to take feedback on our writing personally but just see it as a chance to improve and get closer to writing exactly what the client wants.
  1. Sleep on it… then proof. For every piece of work, I’ll schedule a quick proof the morning after. With a fresh outlook I’m able to spot errors I completely overlooked the day before, and can often think of additional points to add.

So there we have it, the diary of an amateur copywriter who knows slightly more than she did six months ago. Hopefully these tips can help you to avoid the rookie mistakes and get you creating top-tier content.

Need some help with your SEO strategy? We’re happy to assist. Get in contact today to find out how we can help you improve your online visibility.

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How Digital PR Works To Improve SEO Results

In the ever-competitive online landscape, prioritising digital PR within your SEO strategy will ensure you don’t fall behind. The benefits go much deeper than just backlinks. Using digital PR to support your SEO efforts will increase your brand awareness and visibility, drive referral traffic, boost E-E-A-T signals, and ultimately increase revenue – the stuff that matters!

Before getting into the value of digital PR, we’ll remind you of the four key pillars of a successful SEO strategy:

  • On-page SEO: This focuses on optimising your website’s content and HTML code to be search engine friendly.
  • Technical SEO: Ensures your website is structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and index your content.
  • Content: Creating useful and relevant answers to the questions your target audience is searching for.
  • Off-page SEO: This is where digital PR comes in – building your website’s authority through backlinks and other external signals.

While the simplest way of measuring digital PR activity is by the number of pieces of coverage and backlinks you achieve, the potential SEO benefits go much further:

The benefits of digital PR for SEO

Bring in better quality links than old-school link building methods 

Unlike outdated link building methods that might focus on quantity over quality, digital PR excels at acquiring high-authority, relevant backlinks. Backlinks act like votes of confidence for search engines. The bigger and more established the brand or website linking to you, the stronger the positive impact on your website’s ranking in the SERPs. Digital PR secures these valuable links naturally by forging relationships with journalists and creating genuinely insightful content that they want to share! This focus on link-earning (rather than buying) ensures you get the most relevant and authoritative links that Google values the most.

Improve DR/DA/TF

Securing high-quality links through digital PR in turn improves your website’s Domain Ranking (or similar metrics like Domain Authority or Trust Flow).

As an example, we increased our loan agency client’s DR from 38 to 48 through landing links in high tier publications. Recognising the media’s appetite for money-saving hacks, a topic directly relevant to our client, we identified “insta-mums” keen to share tips on extending the lifespan of school uniforms. This angle resonated with journalists, earning linked coverage in key dailies like The Sun and The Echo. Given the high authority these publications hold in Google’s eyes, these votes of confidence significantly boosted our client’s ranking.

Increase brand awareness and online visibility

By securing placements in relevant publications and online outlets, you’re putting your brand in front of a targeted audience who actively engages with those sources. This exposure fuels brand awareness, resulting in your target market gaining familiarity with your name and services.  Every piece of brand name anchor text, and every mention in the news and on social media, acts as a brand signal – reinforcing brand identity and playing a part in Google’s measurement of ‘brand authority’.

Boost E-E-A-T signals

Most SEOs and PRs will know all about this acronym and its importance, but if E-E-A-T is new to you – it’s a concept that’s included in Google’s Quality Raters Guidelines. These guidelines are essentially a roadmap for the human raters who evaluate the quality and relevance of search results and for websites aiming for top positions, building strong E-E-A-T signals is crucial. 

Digital PR secures placements in reputable news outlets, showcasing your expertise on relevant topics and demonstrating the trust these publications have placed in your brands. This is especially the case when the campaigns utilise expert commentary. Coverage of your business’ experts lends credibility and directly contributes to your E-E-A-T signals. They’re particularly important for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) industries –  pages that cover topics with the potential to impact a user’s happiness, health, financial stability or safety.

At Cedarwood, we specialise in helping YMYL businesses to boost their E-E-A-T and consequential site traffic, through digital PR efforts. For instance, we used thought leadership initiatives to improve the SEO of a medical negligence client. Since they fall squarely within the YMYL category, we collaborated with their in-house experts to share informative expertise around medical symptoms and amplify their expertise and authority signals in the process. We outreached these comments in line with specific awareness days and the approach proved a huge success – generating over 100 pieces of linked coverage pointing back to the client’s website!

Generate referral traffic

Digital PR generates a wave of targeted referral traffic by securing links in media outlets frequented by your ideal audience. It attracts the right kind of traffic: consumers already interested in your industry. These clicks not only translate to new website visitors, but can also nurture existing leads further down the line. The more high-quality links you build in relevant publications, and the higher you rank in search results, the greater your visibility becomes – attracting a steady stream of potential customers.

Boost leads, sales & revenue through growing traffic and improving visibility

So, why does this all matter? Well digital PR isn’t just about links and website traffic; what’s most important is the sales and revenue growth this drives. Digital PR increases your prominence in search results. This then increases the opportunities you have to capture qualified leads and convert them into paying customers. 

Think about it this way, you’ll be outreaching your PR to only the most relevant publications, read by your ideal customer. This targeted traffic is far more likely to convert than a generic website visitor who stumbles across one of your pages. Plus, these customers are that little bit more likely to press ‘buy’ because they’ve seen your brand in a respected publication, featured alongside other trust-worthy sources. That additional trust is so important to give users the confidence to purchase.

Improve your SEO results with Cedarwood Digital 

At Cedarwood Digital, we’re experts in crafting targeted digital PR campaigns that generate high-quality backlinks, establish your brand as a thought leader, and ultimately help you reach your SEO goals.  We understand the intricate connection between digital PR and SEO, and use this to drive traffic, and boost your business’ conversions.

Find out more about our digital PR team here, or drop us an email today to discuss a tailored strategy for your site.

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Easter Search Data: What are the UK’s most searched for Easter Eggs?

Easter may still be a few weeks away but if you’re anything like us, you’re browsing the confectionary aisles and starting to think about which egg you’re asking for this year. In fact, the stats back this up – there have been 50,000 searches for ‘Easter Egg’ in the UK in the past month, 213% more than the previous month. We’re clearly an impatient bunch!

With hundreds on the market, which easter egg should be added to your cart this year? At Cedarwood, we don’t take this decision lightly! We had a nosy at the stats to help us make an informed decision. Our SEO team have compiled easter egg search volumes over the last 4 years and pulled together the key numbers to help you make the right choice.

We’re going to give you the lowdown on: 

🍫The UKs most searched for eggs 

🍫The vegan easter egg capital

🍫Which big-drinker cities are searching for Guinness eggs 

🍫Who’s potentially a bit too obsessed with their pet and buying a pet friendly Easter eggs

🍫The most popular cheese easter eggs (yes, you read that right)

What are the UK’s most searched for Easter Eggs?

  1. Ferrero Rocher – 209,120 searches
  2. Reese’s  146,160 searches
  3. Oreo – 108,030 searches
  4. Daim – 85,950 searches
  5. Nomo – 68,080 searches
  6. Smarties – 67,330 searches
  7. Terry’s Chocolate Orange – 62,720 searches
  8. Guylian – 61,530 searches
  9. Yorkie – 48,880 searches
  10. Turkish Delight – 48,250 searches

So, what do we make of the UK’s searched for eggs? It’s certainly an eclectic mix. That top search may surprise some of you – who knew we were such fans of hazelnut in this country. The egg in question is £11 – it’s made entirely of the signature hazelnut shell of a Ferrero Rocher, and contains 6 of the chocolates inside. Wow, this might be a new personal contender. We also can’t get enough of peanut butter chocolate, with the Reese’s easter egg coming in second. Peanut butter and chocolate is a winning combination after all so why not incorporate it at Easter. 

People have also been searching for Oreo easter eggs. Disappointingly, this egg is pretty basic – it’s simply a Cadbury’s chocolate egg. But, it does come with two small eggs filled with oreo filling – delicious. Coming in at number 4 we have impressively high searches for a Daim easter egg – do they call it the Ikea effect?

Which cities are searching for vegan Easter Eggs the most?

  1. Brighton – 1,805 searches per 100,000 people
  2. Plymouth – 1,076 searches per 100,000 people
  3. Portsmouth – 1,025 searches per 100,000 people
  4. Belfast – 939 searches per 100,000 people
  5. Northampton – 847 searches per 100,000 people
  6. Bristol – 811 searches per 100,000 people
  7. Reading – 804 searches per 100,000 people
  8. Hull – 783 searches per 100,000 people
  9. Nottingham – 761 searches per 100,000 people
  10. Derby – 735 searches per 100,000 people
  11. Leicester – 686 searches per 100,000 people
  12. Stoke – 679 searches per 100,000 people
  13. Bradford – 646 searches per 100,000 people
  14. Coventry – 526 searches per 100,000 people
  15. Newcastle – 516 searches per 100,000 people
  16. Leeds – 512 searches per 100,000 people
  17. Sheffield – 494 searches per 100,000 people
  18. Glasgow – 397 searches per 100,000 people
  19. Manchester – 370 searches per 100,000 people
  20. Southampton – 320 searches per 100,000 people
  21. Liverpool – 238 searches per 100,000 people
  22. Cardiff – 225 searches per 100,000 people
  23. London – 215 searches per 100,000 people
  24. Birmingham – 205 searches per 100,000 people
  25. Edinburgh – 138 searches per 100,000 people

We didn’t want to neglect our sweet-toothed vegans so pulled together data from Ahrefs top 50 vegan easter eggs terms. 

You won’t be surprised to learn that Brighton is searching the most for Vegan Easter Eggs – 67% more searches per capita than runner-up Plymouth. This aligns with the city’s crowning as most vegan-friendly city. It’s a strong turnout overall from the South, with Plymouth and Portsmouth taking second and third place for the eco-friendly purchases.

However, searches for Vegan Easter Eggs have been decreasing throughout the years – down 7% in 2023 compared to 2022, and down 31% compared to 2021. This makes sense; research from GWI reveals that the number of vegans has dropped by 15% in the UK in the last two years and Connecting the Dots cites growing eco-fatigue and the cost-of-living crisis as the top reasons for this decline.

As for the most popular vegan Easter eggs on the market, Nomo claimed the top spot, with 68,080 searches. Nomo pride themselves on creating ‘chocolate for everyone’, which is free from dairy, gluten, eggs and nuts.

Booja Booja was the second most searched for vegan Easter egg, with 21,540 searches. These hand-painted eggs, made in Kashmir, India, are filled with organic, vegan chocolate truffles – another delicious option for the plant-based chocoholics out there!

Which cities are searching for Guinness Easter Eggs?

  1. Belfast – 86 searches per 100,000 people
  2. Brighton – 45 searches per 100,000 people
  3. Hull – 38 searches per 100,000 people
  4. Portsmouth – 33 searches per 100,000 people
  5. Plymouth – 32 searches per 100,000 people
  6. Stoke – 29 searches per 100,000 people
  7. Derby – 28 searches per 100,000 people
  8. Northampton – 25 searches per 100,000 people
  9. Reading – 24 searches per 100,000 people
  10. Leicester – 22 searches per 100,000 people
  11. Bradford – 21 searches per 100,000 people
  12. Nottingham – 21 searches per 100,000 people
  13. Leeds – 17 searches per 100,000 people
  14. Sheffield – 17 searches per 100,000 people
  15. Coventry – 17 searches per 100,000 people
  16. Bristol – 16 searches per 100,000 people
  17. Newcastle – 15 searches per 100,000 people
  18. Manchester – 15 searches per 100,000 people
  19. Glasgow – 11 searches per 100,000 people
  20. Southampton – 10 searches per 100,000 people
  21. Cardiff – 9 searches per 100,000 people
  22. Birmingham – 7 searches per 100,000 people
  23. London – 7 searches per 100,000 people
  24. Liverpool – 6 searches per 100,000 people
  25. Edinburgh – 4 searches per 100,000 people

Belfast tops the charts for most interested in Guinness easter eggs – no surprises there! Belfast have been searching a huge 91% more than the runner up, Brighton, who also appear to love a pint, the rugby, or both.

I for one was immediately wondering if a Guinness easter egg actually contains Guinness? And the answer is yes! But do not worry, everyone can enjoy this treat; the alcohol by volume in the egg only works out as less than 1 percent. This easter egg is dark chocolate, shaped like a rugby ball, and the perfect gift for a Guinness fan.

Which cities are searching for pet-friendly Easter Eggs?

  1. Newcastle – 142 searches per 100,000 people
  2. Bristol – 140 searches per 100,000 people
  3. Bradford – 132 searches per 100,000 people
  4. Nottingham – 126 searches per 100,000 people
  5. Sheffield – 116 searches per 100,000 people
  6. Leeds – 93 searches per 100,000 people
  7. Manchester – 81 searches per 100,000 people
  8. Liverpool – 56 searches per 100,000 people
  9. Birmingham – 44 searches per 100,000 people
  10. London – 30 searches per 100,000 people

If you’re hoping to engage your pet in the festivities too, plenty of brands offer tasty and safe Easter treats for them to enjoy. Made using dairy alternatives like carob, more and more pet-friendly eggs are lining the shelves each year. So, which of us are most prone to spoiling our furry friends?

Well, Newcastle is most likely to celebrate Easter with their pets, with Bristol coming up shortly behind them and Bradford in third-place. The stats show a clear dominance from the North – maybe we just love our pets a bit more up here…

It also appears that we’re getting more generous towards our pets over time. 2023 data shows an increase in searches by a whopping 219% compared to 2020 stats.

What are the most popular cheese Easter Eggs?

While many of us can’t resist a chocolatey treat, those who prefer savoury flavours usually have to forgo this tradition. This is no longer the case, as major supermarkets are now selling easter eggs made entirely from cheese! They’re definitely a divisive one and may not be the treat you are looking for this Easter Sunday. But if you do pride yourself on being a bit of a cheese fanatic, which brands should you be on the lookout for?

  1. M&S – 7,940 searches
  2. Butlers – 2,980 searches
  3. Asda – 2,380 searches
  4. Blacksticks Blue – 1,650 searches
  5. Tesco – 1,290 searches
  6. Sainsbury’s – 1,020 searches

Unsurprisingly, the queen of UK supermarkets, Marks and Spencers, takes the top spot, receiving a huge 5,000 more searches than the runner-ups. Taking second place is Butlers; less of a household name, this brand manufactures farmhouse cheeses and offers a ‘cheese that identifies as an egg’. It’s made from Blacksticks, their famous blue cheese. You surely can’t go wrong opting for a company completely devoted to cheese.

Cedarwood Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency, specialising in SEO, digital PR and PPC. If you’d like any help making an easter egg purchase, gathering search data, or enhancing your online visibility, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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70 Free Data Sources For Your Digital PR Campaigns (All In One Place!)

Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time talking about Creating Low Cost High Return Digital PR campaigns – but in order to do that, knowing where to go for free data is a huge bonus!

Below we’ve compiled a quick list of 70 great (free) data sources that you can use for your Digital PR campaigns, so if you are looking for inspiration for your next piece of data analysis, look no further!

Government Agencies:

  1. Office for National Statistics (ONS): Extensive economic, social, and demographic data. (
  2. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS): Data on business sectors, energy, and innovation. (
  3. Department for Education (DfE): Education and skills data at national and regional levels. (
  4. Food Standards Agency (FSA): Data on food safety, diet, and nutrition. (
  5. Environment Agency: Environmental data on pollution, water quality, and waste. (

Industry Associations & Research Bodies:

  1. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD): Data on HR practices, workforce trends, and employee engagement. (
  2. Federation of Small Businesses (FSB): Data on small business demographics, challenges, and growth. (
  3. Retail Economics: Retail sales data and insights into consumer spending behavior. (
  4. Centre for Cities: Research and data on urban economies and city development. (
  5. The Work Foundation: Research on work, employment, and the changing nature of jobs. (

Public & Academic Institutions:

  1. Bank of England: Economic data, policy decisions, and financial market analysis. (
  2. Resolution Foundation: Research on living standards, poverty, and inequality. (
  3. National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR): Independent economic research and forecasting. (
  4. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Research on poverty, inequality, and social justice. (
  5. The Health Foundation: Independent research on health and social care issues. (

Business & Consumer Data Providers:

  1. Statista: Global market research data and statistics on various industries. (
  2. Euromonitor International: Market research data and insights on consumer trends. (
  3. Kantar Worldpanel: Consumer behavior and purchase data across various product categories. (
  4. Nielsen: Market research data on media consumption, advertising, and consumer trends. (
  5. GfK: Market research data on consumer behavior, retail sales, and brand preferences. (

Data Portals & Open Data Initiatives:

  1. Open data platform from the UK government. (
  2. London Datastore: Open data platform for London. (
  3. Scotland’s Open Data Platform: Open data platform for Scotland. (
  4. Open Data Wales: Open data platform for Wales. (
  5. Northern Ireland Open Data Platform: Open data platform for Northern Ireland. (

News & Media Resources:

  1. BBC News: News data and statistics from the BBC. (
  2. The Guardian: Data journalism and interactive features from The Guardian. (
  3. The Times: News data and analysis from The Times (may require free registration). (
  4. The Telegraph: Data journalism and interactive features from The Telegraph (may require free registration). (
  5. Financial Times: Financial data and analysis from the Financial Times (may require free registration). (
  6. Sky News: News data and statistics from Sky News. (

Trade Associations & Professional Bodies:

  1. Confederation of British Industry (CBI): Business surveys and economic forecasts. (
  2. Institute of Directors (IoD): Data on director attitudes and business decision-making. (
  3. Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM): Data on marketing trends, consumer behavior, and advertising effectiveness. (
  4. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW): Data on financial reporting, accounting practices, and business confidence. (
  5. Law Society of England and Wales: Data on legal trends, access to justice, and the legal profession. (
  6. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS): Data on property prices, housing market trends, and construction activity. (
  7. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT): Data on logistics, transport, and supply chain management. (

Retail & Consumer Insights:

  1. British Retail Consortium (BRC): Retail sales data and insights into consumer spending trends. (
  2. Office for National Statistics – Retail Sales:
  3. IMRG Capgemini Online Retail Index: Data on online retail sales and e-commerce trends.
  4. Which?: Consumer research and product reviews from Which?. (
  5. MoneySavingExpert: Consumer finance data, price comparisons, and money-saving tips. (

Social Media & Online Trends:

  1. Google Trends: Track search trends and see what people are interested in. (
  2. Sprout Social: Social media analytics and insights (free trial available). (
  3. Brandwatch: Social media listening and analytics platform (free trial available). (
  4. Buzzsumo: Content marketing insights and influencer identification tool (free trial available). (
  5. Talkwalker: Social media monitoring and analytics platform (free trial available). (

Sustainability & Environmental Data:

  1. Committee on Climate Change (CCC): Independent advice on tackling climate change in the UK. (
  2. Met Office: Weather data, climate change information, and environmental data. (
  3. UK Green Building Council (UKGBC): Data on sustainable construction and green building trends. (

Health & Wellbeing Data:

  1. The King’s Fund: Independent health research and analysis. (
  2. NHS Digital: Health data and statistics from the National Health Service. (
  3. Mental Health Foundation: Data on mental health and wellbeing in the UK.
  4. Cancer Research UK: Cancer statistics and research data. (

Education & Skills Data:

  1. Department for Education – Education & Training Statistics: Education and training statistics from the Department for Education.
  2. Ofqual: Data on qualifications, assessment, and regulation in education. (
  3. The Sutton Trust: Research on social mobility and education. (
  4. The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI): Research and analysis on higher education policy. (

Transport & Travel Data:

  1. Department for Transport (DfT): Transport statistics and data on roads, railways, and aviation. (
  2. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA): Data on air travel, airports, and aviation safety. (
  3. National Highways: Data on traffic flow and road conditions on motorways and major A roads in England. (

Culture & Entertainment Data:

  1. Office for National Statistics – Culture, Media & Sport: Data on cultural participation, leisure activities, and the creative industries.
  2. Arts Council England: Data on arts funding, cultural participation, and the creative economy. (
  3. Barbican Centre: Data on audience engagement and trends in performing arts. (
  4. British Film Institute (BFI): Data on the UK film industry, cinema attendance, and audience preferences. (

Public Opinion & Polling Data:

  1. YouGov: Polling data on public opinion and social attitudes (free basic account available). (
  2. Ipsos MORI: Polling data on public opinion, social issues, and political attitudes. ([invalid URL removed])
  3. NatCen Social Research: Social research data on a wide range of topics (some free data available). (
  4. The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR): Public relations industry surveys and reports. (

Want to you know more about what Digital PR can do for your business? Get In Touch!

YMYL Blog image

What Is YMYL And Why Is Understanding It So Important For SEO?

When it comes to search engines, Google wants to return the most relevant pages for its users so that those users are getting the most relevant and accurate answers to their queries. This is especially apparent when it comes to YMYL and in this blog we are going to be discussing the concept of YMYL and why it is important that webmasters understand it for SEO purposes.

What is YMYL?

YMYL stands for “Your Money or Your Life” and it refers to web pages that cover any topics that have the potential to impact a user’s future happiness, health, financial stability or safety. Google introduced the YMYL category in 2014 to indicate how seriously it takes the importance of factual correctness on websites which have the ability to impact a person’s life.

Source: Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

YMYL is extremely important when it comes to SEO because Google holds these websites to a higher standard when reviewing their quality. Optimising your YMYL content and making sure that it is accurate and up to date, in addition to backing it up with external linking, showcasing authoring and generally demonstrating the expertise of the article, will all help to ensure that you’re giving off the right signals to Google. As a result, Google may look more favourably on your website for matching user intent and purpose, therefore helping it to perform better in the search results. 

People are often using Google to research information on a wide range of topics including health queries and financial questions. It is important that the information they are finding on the SERP is accurate and up to date because if it is not then it could have extreme consequences for the user. This is why Google finds it so important to ensure these YMYL pages are of high quality.

Examples of YMYL pages: 

  • ➡️Finance pages – eg. investing or banking pages 
  • ➡️News and current events pages
  • ➡️Health and safety pages 
  • ➡️Legal pages
  • ➡️Shopping pages that allow users to make online purchases 

How to know if your web page is a YMYL topic

Many topics do not come under the YMYL bracket but it is important to know whether the content on your website is a YMYL topic because if it is, Google will hold your website to a higher standard so that it is fully meeting the users needs and not causing any harm to their wellbeing. It is therefore important that you understand what YMYL topics are, to see if you are discussing them on your webpage. 

Google will not explicitly tell you if they are viewing your web page as a YMYL page so it is important that you ascertain whether or not it falls within any of the YMYL categories. 

When determining whether your website covers a YMYL topic, you need to think about whether you are creating content that can directly impact a person’s health, financial stability, or safety or the welfare or well-being of society.

Source: Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

If your web page contains YMYL topics, then it is important that your content will help and inform the user and, you need to ensure that there is no content on your web page that could cause the user any harm. 

Within the Quality Rater Guidelines, Google also gives us some clear examples of what does and doesn’t fall into the YMYL category, so if you aren’t sure it’s worth checking out the QRGs as they can give some helpful insight!

YMYL Guidelines

When it comes to YMYL content, it is ranked differently to content that is not YMYL. Google explained this in their ‘How Google Fights Disinformation’ blog: “For these “YMYL” pages, we assume that users expect us to operate with our strictest standards of trustworthiness and safety. As such, where our algorithms detect that a user’s query relates to a “YMYL” topic, we will give more weight in our ranking systems to factors like our understanding of the authoritativeness, expertise, or trustworthiness of the pages we present in response.”

In 2022, the YMYL guidance was updated by Google in order to give clarity on what they are looking for when it comes to quality on YMYL web pages:

  • ➡️Content – the main content of the webpage is extremely important if you fall into the YMYL category, it is important that your webpage has a good amount of high quality content 
  • ➡️E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust) signals – enhancing E-E-A-T signals for YMYL pages is especially important because the information needs to be completely accurate because any misinformation on these pages could potentially cause harm to the users.  
  • ➡️Keep the user in mind – Google wants to ensure that you are creating a website that has the best intentions for the user, so that they are gaining the best user experience.

Best SEO practices for YMYL content 

Due to the fact that Google ranks YMYL pages differently, it is important that you understand the best SEO practices to take for your YMYL web pages:

  1. Create user-focused content 

As we have seen, content is one of the most important factors for Google when they are ranking YMYL web pages and Google will often look at your content to make sure that it is accurate information and that it is of high quality. 

In order to rank well for YMYL content:

  • ➡️Make sure that your content is always up to date
  • ➡️Ensure the content is useful for the user
  • ➡️Have organised content that is easy for the user to understand 
  • ➡️Make sure there is enough content so that the web page fully covers the topic and satisfies the user intent

Content is extremely important for YMYL pages, you need to make sure that your content is fundamentally benefiting the users and not giving them any information that could have consequences for their future. 

When you are creating content, making sure that it is user-centred is of the utmost importance but this will also benefit you when ranking because Google wants content that is helpful to the user – matching user intent and purpose plays a key role across YMYL websites – and this doesn’t always mean adding large amounts of content either – make sure that you review the way that your website answers the user’s queries. 

  1. Optimise your E-E-A-T signals 

As we have seen from Google, E-E-A-T plays an important role when Google is ranking YMYL web pages. 

Experience, Expertise, Authority & Trust are key signals for Google, especially when they are examining the quality of YMYL websites. Below, we will discuss the concepts of E-E-A-T and the diagram above also shows what each concept means. 

Experience – when it comes to experience, it is important to showcase that the author of the content has firsthand or real life experience for the topic and subject that they are discussing. 

Expertise – expertise refers to the amount of knowledge that exists behind the content and behind your website as a whole. Particularly for YMYL websites, Google wants to ensure that whoever is creating the content for your website is an expert in the field, so you need to ensure that you are showcasing this on your website. 

Authority – this focuses on making sure that your website is seen as an authoritative source, so instead of proving yourself to be an expert, authoritativeness focuses on others showcasing you as an expert. This can be done through gaining high quality backlinks and where Digital PR will be extremely valuable. 

Trust – according to Google, trust is the most important aspect of E-E-A-T: “Of these aspects, trust is most important.” Providing trust signals across your whole website is imperative so that Google can know that your website and the content that you are providing to users is trustworthy and it will be providing factual information to users. 

When optimising your YMYL web page, optimising all four aspects of E-E-A-T is highly important to prove to Google that your content is valuable to users and that it is providing accurate information that will not have the potential to harm users. 

You can optimise your E-E-A-T signals for YMYL pages by:

  • ➡️Including the author’s basic information and credentials 
  • ➡️Adding an About Us page on your website including information about the people behind the website, including achievements etc… – this also helps to provide “clear and satisfying information” that Google looks for on YMYL websites, mainly focusing on the About Us page and also the information that is available on a Contact Us page
  • ➡️Including a reviews page from real customers 
  • ➡️Gaining high quality backlinks from other credible websites linking to your webpage
  1.  Add external links to your content 

Including external links to your content is very important, a link is a clickable object on your webpage that leads from one page to another, they can appear as text, images or buttons and they will link from your website to a different website. When including external links, ensure that they appear naturally throughout your website and make sure that they are going to another high quality, authoritative web page so that Google knows your resources are trusted and will give users the correct information. 

You should add in external links whenever you are quoting someone, using information from another website or making a big statement. When linking to a credible source, you are showing Google that your information is accurate and it will also back up your level of topical expertise.

  1. Make sure your website is well built with a user-friendly design

It is important to make sure that your YMYL website has a user-friendly design, this includes optimising the page speed, making sure there are no broken links and making sure it is optimised well for both mobile and desktop browsers. This will show Google that you are keeping your website well maintained and making the site easy to use for your users. 

Using Google’s Page Speed Insights and other free online tools can help you to keep an eye on your page speed and see where improvements need to be made, it’s also worth being aware of Core Web Vitals and the impact this can have – so definitely two things to be keeping an eye on from a YMYL perspective.


YMYL refers to any topics on a website that can have real word effects for the user. When it comes to SEO, it is extremely important to understand what YMYL is because if you have content on your website that falls in to a YMYL category, Google will hold your website to a higher standard, therefore meaning that it will be harder to rank on the SERP and that you need to make sure that the quality of your website is extremely high. 

Google holds YMYL web pages to a higher standard because of the potential impact that they can have on a user’s life. If you have a website that sits within the YMYL category, as you will be held to a higher standard, it is highly important to optimise your website for SEO by following the above steps so that you can increase your visibility within the SERPs and ultimately increase conversions and sales to your website. 

If you have got YMYL content within your website then it is important that you optimise your content for SEO and hopefully this blog has helped you with ways in which you can optimise your website for YMYL. If you want any additional support when optimising your YMYL website for SEO, get in touch with us today and we can help!

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The Impact Of Local SEO On Manchester Businesses 

Did you know that 97% of users search online to find a local business? And that a huge 78% of these local searches result in an offline purchase? If your Manchester-based business isn’t optimised for local search, you could be missing out on a significant portion of potential customers.

But what is local SEO? This blog will delve into what it is and how it differs from your standard SEO practices. Put simply, local SEO is a targeted approach to search engine optimisation that improves your website’s visibility when people use search terms with local intent. E.g. ‘agencies near me’, ‘Manchester marketing firms’ etc. 

Local SEO is more important than ever and an essential tool enabling you to reach high-intent users and convert them into paying customers. Stay tuned for a run-down of what local SEO can do for your business and our tips and tricks to ensure you’re maximising its potential.

What Is Local SEO?

Through analysis of user behaviours, Google worked out that searches for certain businesses (like plumbers, restaurants, and yes – digital marketing agencies) are often local in nature. For this reason, search results now take location into account when you search for one of these ‘local terms’. You don’t even need to specify a location, Google’s clever algorithms sense what you’re after and show you the best utilities near you. But how can you make sure that Google sees your business as one of the ‘best’ in Manchester and puts it at the top of the SERPs? The answer is local SEO.

Local SEO goes beyond traditional SEO by focusing on optimising your online presence for a specific geographic location. It involves claiming and optimising your Google Business Profile listing, strategically using local keywords throughout your website content, and encouraging positive customer reviews. 

These steps send strong signals to search engines that your business caters to a specific area. The result? When people in your city or town search for products or services you offer, your business is more likely to appear prominently in search results, leading potential customers right to your doorstep. So, local SEO isn’t just about ranking well; it’s about attracting users who are actively looking for what you offer in their local area.

What Are The Benefits Of Local SEO?

By now it should be clear that local SEO is a powerful tool for driving sales and boosting your business. But let’s go over the three areas where local SEO can make the most significant impact.

Traffic and visibility

Local SEO done right will get your business seen by the right people at the right time. A robust strategy will significantly boost your visibility, attracting a flood of highly relevant local searches. This is because local SEO helps your business rank higher in search results for relevant local keywords – and this translates to more targeted traffic. 


Building trust with potential customers is key to any business’s success, and local SEO plays a significant role in establishing your website’s credibility. An accurate Google Business Profile, and consistent contact details across your website create a sense of reliability for potential customers. Equally, local SEO’s emphasis on online reviews act as social proof – building trust and encouraging purchases.

Sales and revenue

Realistically, your number one priority is to get paying customers through the door (or new clients brought in). Local SEO is your key to achieving this; it’s a cost-effective way for your business to build trust, reach more customers and ultimately drive sales. 

Let’s face it, the whole point of getting more website traffic, being seen online, and building trust is to boost sales, right?  Ranking high in local searches puts your business in front of potential customers who are already interested and ready to buy what you offer.

Tips For Improving Local SEO For Your Manchester Business

🐝 Google Business Profile

The first step to improving your local SEO is setting up a Google  Business Profile. This is a free tool that lets you manage how you’ll appear in Google Searches and Google Maps. Within this profile, you can highlight good reviews, include contact details and directions to your business, and link to key pages on your website. If a user searches for your business, this profile will appear on the right-hand side and it’s up to you to make sure they’ll want to click through.

🐝 Google Map Pack

This is the term used to describe the real top spot in Google’s local search results. If a user makes a search with local intent, the first thing they see is a set of businesses and a map identifying their locations. This appears above the traditional search results and is reserved for the very best businesses. For example, if we were to search for recruitment agencies in Manchester, the map pack looks like this:

Under each business is a condensed version of their Google Business Profile, and this pack has become a key factor in consumers’ buying choices.

So, how can you utilise this? Well, to get into the map pack results make sure to:

>>Claim your Google Business Profile 

>>Generate authentic online reviews

>>Link-build (but more on this later)

🐝 Reviews

You’ll notice that the three agencies in the coveted spots above had a good review average. Reviews really are crucial because the more high-rated reviews, the more chance of appearing in front of your target users, and providing the credibility they need to press ‘buy’. You’ll know that it’s within our nature to trust something that’s been peer-reviewed. Good reviews give you that extra bit of confidence to purchase. 

So, how can you encourage reviews? You need to make it easy for the customer – include a link to your Google   Business Profile on your website and a ‘leave a review’ button on key landing pages. Plus, following up with your customers via email is a good idea, politely asking them to leave a review. It can also be good to add an incentive here, although note that Google’s policy states that you cannot pay for reviews.

🐝 Address / contact details included on website

Including your business’ address, phone number and email address on your website is an important element of local SEO for a few reasons:

🡺Consistent contact information in multiple places shows Google that you’re a legitimate local entity

🡺Including these details is a clear signal to Google that you’re a local business – this will improve your ranking for relevant local keywords

🡺Aside from anything else, it’s really useful for the customer! People need to be able to contact you quickly and easily. And, don’t forget that Google takes UX into account too. This is particularly important now that most searches happen on mobile devices – users want to be able to call a company to find out more with one click.

Many companies integrate this into the header or footer of their website so that it’s easily accessible.

🐝 Optimise on page content for Manchester-related searches

This simply includes carrying out some keyword research to see what your local customers are searching for, and then naturally implementing these terms. As well as using tools for this, think about putting yourself in the customers’ shoes. What would your ideal clients be looking for and what words would they be using to search?

Of course, remember that high quality, useful content is a top priority so make sure your pages still read naturally. But it can be good to include terms like ‘Manchester’ for example, in your page URLs, title tags, headings, and image alt tags.

🐝 Local link building

Link building, the process of gaining backlinks from other websites, plays a vital role in off-page SEO. These links act as endorsements, signifying to Google that your website is an authority. But did you know that it can be tailored to local SEO too? Look for ways to attract links from locally-focused websites and prioritise this in your Digital PR strategy.

Local news outlets, industry blogs within your area, and websites of local businesses can all be valuable sources of backlinks. Share stories with a local site or perhaps write a case study about a local client in exchange for a link from their website. This will all work to strengthen your local online presence, increasing visibility and conversions.

How Cedarwood Digital can help with your local SEO strategy

Local SEO is done best with the help of SEO professionals. Here at Cedarwood Digital, we have a track record of boosting business’ sales through local SEO. If you’re a local business in Manchester, we can help you with your strategy; get in touch today to see how we can help you thrive in the Manchester market.

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4 Tips On How E-commerce Stores Can Drive And Increase Organic Traffic

2.71 billion people worldwide are expected to shop online in 2024. This is more than ever before, but with over 5.6 million merchants now active on Shopify, how can you get noticed? You’ll be happy to know that the answer is not spending hundreds of thousands on Google ads. With the right SEO strategy, you’ll have traffic flying in in no time. Stay tuned for our four ultimate tips to get visitors onto your e-commerce site.

1. Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to hyperlinks pointing from one page to another on the same website. When a user clicks on an internal link they are taken to a different page on your website – it’s as simple as that. For example, we often place internal links in our blogs to our case studies page so users can get a better understanding of our work. Or, more often than not, we’ll include an internal link to a topically relevant blog or service page to support the user journey and build topical relevance.

It has a whole host of benefits, helping to increase traffic, improve indexability, and boost sales. Internal linking is crucial for any website, but especially so for e-commerce sites. Let’s get more into why this is…

Why Is Internal Linking Important For E-commerce Sites?

Internal linking is a massive help when it comes to improving user experience. As a user yourself, think back to a recent experience with e-commerce. It may not even occur to you that online shopping is quite so easy (often too easy!) because of the ease of use provided by things like internal links. No one wants to be searching high and low for that red v-neck top they’re after. Internal linking greatly improves the site’s navigation and helps your customers move between pages. Of course, this is especially important for e-commerce websites which often have a vast number of product pages and category pages.

Just look at this screengrab from Next’s website; they stock over 10,000 women’s clothing items but their combination of image and textual internal links here makes things nice and easy for the user.

Internal linking doesn’t just  help out the user, it’s also super beneficial for search engine crawlers. Through internal links, Google can better understand the structure and hierarchy of your website and connect topically-related pages, helping the algorithm to discover and crawl each page. Why should you care about indexability? Well, the more pages crawled, the more traffic and potential conversions!

Another element contributing to getting those pages ranked is link equity. This term refers to the value passed between pages within a website. Essentially, internal linking spreads the love – ensuring that all those little product pages get the attention they deserve from search engines.

Lastly, internal linking can be deployed to highlight key features on an e-commerce website. I’m talking sales, promotions, reviews, new collections etc. With effective graphics and copy, these links will draw attention and prompt users to click through.

2. Content Marketing

When developing an SEO strategy for any domain, the importance of content cannot be underestimated. Get your content marketing right and the merits are endless: backlink potential, boosted traffic, increased click-through rates, improved customer experience – the list goes on.

If you’re dealing with an e-commerce site you should focus first and foremost on your product and category pages. These have the most impact on customer experience, and the most value for revenue. Despite this, many online stores tend to neglect these pages, adding minimal content because it is a time-consuming task for a big e-commerce site. 

However, prioritising your product and category page content is a great way to get a leg up against the competition. Researching and implementing your keywords  onto these pages is a hugely effective way to scale the SERPrankings. Below you’ll see the content on a product page from Hayes Garden World – who knew there was so much to write about a garden bench!

Once your product and category pages are updated and optimised with useful text and quality images, turn now to strategic content. This is your longer-form content such as buying guides and blog articles, covering topics like ‘how to use’ your product, or ‘aftercare for’ your product. 

This is a great place to target related long-tail keyword traffic for raising brand awareness; providing additional insight could also help to sway your customers’ buying decision. It showcases the site as an expert in its field which, if we consider Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines, cannot be overlooked! By developing this two-part content strategy you’ll successfully target different levels of the funnel and boost sales. To return to tip 1, strategic content is also a fab place to stick your internal links. Lure users in with helpful blog content then send them over to your key conversion pages.

As an example, here’s how we’ve been implementing industry blogs into New Millenia’s content strategy to target relevant long-tail keywords, and drive engagement that’s useful to their users.

3. Focus On User Experience

User experience is critical for e-commerce SEO because Google prioritises websites that offer a satisfying and accessible experience to users – leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic. UX and SEO truly go hand-in-hand; here are a few boxes to tick to ensure users have the best time possible on your site.

  • ☑️How is your loading speed holding up? You’ll know first hand that there’s nothing more infuriating than a slow-loading website – there are only so many hours in the day! To make sure users stay on your site once they’ve clicked through, improve your loading speed by optimising images or reducing code. For a more in-depth guide to help you brush up on technical SEO, head over to our ‘5 Steps For Conducting A Technical SEO Audit’.
  • ☑️Does your website have a user-friendly navigation menu? This makes it easier for people to find what they’re looking for and helps Google out too.
  • ☑️How does your site look on mobile? Google has been prioritising the mobile version of domains for indexing since 2019. This means your e-commerce website must be mobile-friendly to even think about ranking! 

4. Acquiring Backlinks To Deeper Pages

A final point is the importance of building links to your e-commerce site to help drive organic traffic. Digital PR links are recognised as a good indicator of your site’s trustworthiness, but we’re not just talking about links to your homepage – it’s really worthwhile to secure links to specific landing pages. Pick out key, high-return pages and develop a targeted digital PR campaign to help grow authority within these sections. This will boost the authority of the individual page and bring in more conversions over time. Plus you’ll benefit from link equity again here. The deeper page being linked to will receive a boost in authority, and this will then be passed to connecting pages. Looking for a few top tips to build natural backlinks? See our guide here.

Get Expert Help With Your E-commerce SEO

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, where copious online stores will be offering similar products, enhancing your visibility in search results is critical. Cedarwood Digital is an award-winning e-commerce agency with extensive experience driving online traffic for large, and small, retailers. If you fancy a chat about our ecommerce SEO services please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Ella Valentines Blog Image

Valentine’s Day Search Data: Key Trends For Your Marketing Campaigns

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and for many businesses this is a crucial time to get your products or services noticed by potential customers. Whether you’re offering a romantic dinner location, a flower delivery service, or even hosting a singles event, the high amount of interest in February needs to be utilised. 


Needless to say it’s important to plan your digital marketing strategy in advance – but when is the best time to push your campaigns? 


We dove into the heart of the matter, exploring data from sources like Google and TikTok to unearth the golden nuggets of Valentine’s Day search trends. After all, who doesn’t want to be the cupid of commerce?


Using this historical data, you can get into the mind of the consumer, and try to get your business in front of them at a time when they’re willing to spend. 


Valentine’s Gifts Galore


Flowers? Chocolates? Or just some inspiration for something less cliché? If you’re looking to promote gifts for Valentine’s Day, it’s important to dive into the minds of potential customers by understanding the top-searched terms. 


From a list of the top searched Valentine’s related queries in the UK in 2023, we examined popular gifting keywords including ‘Valentines gifts,’ ‘Valentines day card,’ ‘Valentines flowers,’ ‘Valentines chocolate.’


Our journey through the UK’s Valentine’s Day queries revealed a fascinating surge in interest towards the end of January, hitting its zenith between the 7th and 9th of February: 


‘Valentines Gifts


In 2023, interest around the general ‘valentines gifts’ query picked up momentum towards the end of January and had the highest interest between the 7th-9th February. 



‘Valentines Day Card,’ ‘Valentines Flowers,’ ‘Valentines Chocolate


For more specific gifts, we can see that there was a rise in interest at the start of February, increasing in the days leading up to the 14th and peaking on the 14th for flowers and cards likely due to last minute shopping and the ease of next day delivery.



To make things more interesting, we decided to go deeper into this keyword data and assess which UK cities are searching the most for these popular Valentine’s queries. 


Which UK city can be crowned ‘Most Romantic?’ And, which UK city is most likely to buy a certain kind of Valentine’s gift? Maybe there’s a target audience for your business that you’re currently missing out on!


City Love Showdown: Which UK City Is The Most Romantic? 


Using Google Trend’s top 73 Valentine’s Day related keywords searched in the UK between January and February 2023, we’ve taken a look at which UK city is the most romantic based on searches per capita. 


Our results show the following… Leeds emerged as the UK’s most romantic city with an overwhelming interest in Valentine’s Day!: 


1. Leeds (3,579 searches per 100,000 people)

2. Bradford (2,206 searches per 100,000  people)

3. Liverpool (2,064 searches per 100,000 people)

4. London (2,024 searches per 100,000  people)

5. Bristol (1,870 searches per 100,000  people)

6. Sheffield (1,632 searches per 100,000 people)

7. Birmingham (1,508 searches per 100,000  people)

8. Nottingham (1,257 searches per 100,000  people)

9. Newcastle (1,093 searches per 100,000 people)

10. Manchester (683 searches per 100,000 people)


Not only does Leeds take the top position as the UK’s most romantic city based on their Valentine’s search behaviour, they also claimed the top position for ‘Most Likely To Send’ the following gifts: 


💟 A Valentine’s Day Card  

💟 Valentine’s Chocolates 

💟 Valentine’s Flowers 

💟 A Valentine’s Poem!


Move over Shakespeare, Leeds is in the house! 


In fact, Leeds took the top spot for most but not all… 


Gifts Across The UK Cities


Liverpool stole the spotlight as the city Most Likely To Buy Valentine’s Day PJs with the most searches for ‘Valentine’s jammies’ and ‘Valentine’s PJs,’ celebrating the day in comfort and style. Here, Liverpool were searching 220% more than runner up Leeds!


Meanwhile, London and Bristol secured positions two and three for cities most likely to send a Valentine’s Card and Chocolates.


UK Cities With A Funny Bone … 


They say laughter is the key to the heart, and many UK cities seem to wholeheartedly endorse this sentiment, evident in their spirited searches for ‘Valentines Meme’ and ‘Valentines funny quotes’.


The top three cities where humour takes centre stage when it comes to Valentine’s included (per 100,000 people): 


1. Leeds (159 Searches) 

2. London (86 Searches)

3. Liverpool (75 Searches)


Anticipate receiving a card brimming with memes from these humour-loving cities.


These cities are not just looking for love; they’re looking for a love story sprinkled with humour. So, if your brand is looking to spread joy, consider infusing a touch of humour into your Valentine’s Day campaigns.


Gifts For Him vs Gifts For Her 


Two of the highest searched queries included: ‘Valentine’s Gifts For Her’ and Valentine’s Gifts For Him.’ 


In the realm of gift-giving, our exploration across every UK city on our list reveals a distinct preference for ‘Gifts For Him’ over ‘Gifts For Her,’ but when are people generally searching for inspiration?  


The prime dates for those searching for ‘Gifts For Her’ emerge on February 9th and February 11th, while those in pursuit of ‘Gifts For Him’ hit their peak on February 4th!


Those hunting for the perfect gift for her exhibit early interest, yet show a penchant for last-minute decisions, so it may be worth running a longer marketing stretch if you’re promoting gifts for females compared to gifts for males. 




Timing is everything, and capturing the attention of those searching for inspiration is an art. Make sure your brand stands out during both the early explorations and the eleventh-hour searches. 


Most Organised and Least Organised Valentine’s Shoppers In The UK


In our research, we noticed a rising trend of peaks closest to February 14th where interest was highest. Having already found out which UK city is the most romantic when it comes to Valentine’s Day, we also wanted to find out which UK city is most likely to leave their Valentine’s shopping until the last minute.


We took a combination of gifting queries, prefixed by ‘next day delivery’, that were searched for in February 2023 and checked how each UK city performed here:


And the results were as followed (searches per 100,000 people): 


1. Leeds (90 searches)

2. Bradford (48 searches)

3. London (45 searches)

4. Bristol (41 searches)

5. Sheffield (32 searches)

6. Liverpool (31 searches)

7. Birmingham  (30 searches)

8. Nottingham  (21 searches)

9. Newcastle (21 searches)

10. Manchester (14 searches)


Leeds may be the most romantic, but they also topped the charts as the city most likely to embrace next-day delivery for Valentine’s gifts. On the flip side, Manchester emerged as the most organised, showing low searches for ‘next day delivery’ terms.



Google Search Trends: Valentine’s Dates 


Other popular searches surrounding Valentine’s Day revolve around date-nights and more specifically: restaurants. 


If you’re in the hospitality industry, understanding when people begin to plan and book their Valentine’s dates is key. Our analysis delves into popular searches such as ‘romantic restaurant’ and ‘valentine’s day restaurant,’ offering a snapshot of when people initiate their quest for the perfect dining experience.


The graph below unveils peaks on February 9th and Valentine’s Day itself!: 



It’s A ‘Galentine’s Day’ Affair


One topic we noticed an increase in was the interest in ’Galentine’s Day’ on TikTok! Interest around this sensation peaked between the 12th and 18th of February in 2023, with a rising interest starting as early as January this year:


Last 12 Months:



Last 30 Days: 



So, whether you’re already in full marketing swing or just gearing up for the love fest, 2023’s trends hint at last-minute shoppers and high interest nationwide. Get ready to spread the love and watch your brand steal the spotlight this Valentine’s Day! 💕


If you’re eager to elevate your SEO, Digital PR or PPC campaigns and strategies in the midst of the Valentine’s Day frenzy or ahead of the next seasonal trends, get in touch to find out how we can help!